Geschiedenis Pegasus 2023-2024
Vijftien jaar D.S.T. Pegasus, dat betekent een derde lustrum! Het jaar van BXV The Turtles was gevuld met veel activiteiten, waaronder de lustrumweek in oktober. Dit jaar waren de gevolgen van Corona merkbaar in het aantal actieve leden. Desalniettemin hebben we alle commissies weten te vullen met enthousiaste leden en hadden we ook dit jaar weer een reeks mooie activiteiten!
Helaas was dit ook het jaar dat we afscheid moesten nemen van onze geliefde mascotte Penus. Met zijn hoofd hangend aan een zijden draadje werd het toch echt tijd voor Penus om met pensioen te gaan. Het duurde even voordat Poonie kwam aanvliegen, maar gelukkig konden we alsnog met een mascotte naar wedstrijden afreizen met onze tijdelijke mascotte Balthazar!
We trainen nog steeds bij X en hebben meerdere hoofdtrainers vanuit Pegasus zelf! Daarnaast waren de externe trainingen in Zoetermeer een groot succes.
Inmiddels is Pegasus uitgegroeid tot een vereniging met meer dan 150 leden die meer te bieden heeft dan turnen. Of je wilt borrelen, genieten van activiteiten of recreatief of competitief wil turnen, Pegasus heeft voor ieder wat! Het mooiste aan Pegasus? Het is een vereniging voor en door haar leden.
Geschreven in 2024 door Maximiliaan Cheung
Secretaris van Bestuur XV The Turtles der D.S.T. Pegasus
History Pegasus 2019-2020
D.S.T. Pegasus is already in its 12th year of existence, and Board 12 is currently leading the association (which is not exactly the 12th board, but you can find more details under the "Board" section). The association continues to grow with nearly 150 members! The training location has been the Sports & Culture Center of Delft, known as X, for quite some time. The association experienced a significant loss with the closure of the Drunk Horse, but through a collaboration with other associations, we have successfully piloted a new venue for social gatherings at the Cultuurlab.
For some time now, Peggy has been missing, and we have been accompanied by the interim mascot, Penus. To everyone's surprise, during the introduction weekend, a wonderful gift named Pagina was given, who can keep Penus company during competitions and other activities.
Since we started training at X, we have a remarkable five training sessions spread across three training evenings, led by three head coaches and supported by student trainers. In addition to the training sessions in Delft, our members frequently attend external training sessions in Zwijndrecht.
In addition to the training sessions, our association also organizes numerous activities through various committees filled with dedicated members! There are actually quite a few activities that come back every year, such as the Pegaweekend, the surfing vacation, and the barbecue. Thanks to these activities, Pegasus is much more than just a gymnastics association! Pegasus brings together all gymnasts, young and old, beginners and advanced, from the Netherlands or even from far away. Together, all these members form an association that soars to great heights!
Written in 2019 by Thijme Lee
Commissioner of Board 12 of D.S.T. Pegasus
History Pegasus 2013-2014
The Delft Student Association Pegasus has begun its 7th life year! Last board year (2013/2014) the five year existence of Pegasus has been abundantly celebrated with a week full of anniversary activities. This season, Pegasus has reached the magical 100 members, which was celebrated during the birthday of Pegasus and our mascot Peggy. We are still the biggest student gymnastics association in the Netherlands, something we're proud of!
A large portion of our members is active within the association. There are many activities next to gymnastics. There are 7 committees and counting, old board members still come to do gymnastics, and in cooperation with Euroturn there are external trainings, which are very popular, despite us having three normal training nights.
Pegasus is slowly becoming an association with traditions. Since 2013 we have a 'yearly' internal competition, we go on a skiing holiday, and "our pieten should be green for Pegaklaas". We are honoured to keep up these traditions, because an association with traditions is an association that stays!
Written in 2014 by Jouke van der Velden
Chairman of the 7th Board of D.S.T. Pegasus
Early years
Despite the fact that Pegasus is only two and a half years old, and that there is not yet much to say about its history, I think it's interesting and important to know how the association came to be and what we have achieved in its still short life.
It is likely that for decades there have been students in Delft would like to do gymnastics, at low or high level. Many students chose to stay with their old gymnastics associations, seek out a non-student association or even stop and try a new sport.
Only in 2008 did the demand for a student gymnastics association become big enough to start one, on the initiative of Denise Stoeller. After extensive consultation with the right organizations it turned out to be possible, and the gathering of the first gymnasts and the preparations of the actual founding of the association could start.
On 30 June 2008 in the Ruif the first meeting with 8 students, of whom the first board had already formed, was a success. The most important talking points were the OWEE and of course the name of the association. The current name wasn't devised yet, but 'Uitgerekt', 'eTUrnity' and 'The A-turn' where considered seriously!
Only after the first meeting was the name Pegasus devised. Pegasus is in one word an analogy for everything a Delft gymnast should stand for. Powerful and strong, but still elegant. Flying through the air, yet landing and standing firmly on the ground. Shining like a star in the sky and of course the mythological image.
At the 2008 OWEE the moment for Delft to meet the new gymnastics association was finally there. With the airtumbling being popular with both gymnasts and non-gymnasts, the tone for the first official year of Pegasus was set!
Next to the organizing of the OWEE, the starting of the first trainings and making sure the finances add up, the official papers had to be arranged. The first board made an appointment with the notary and on 8 October 2008 the Delft Student Gymnastics Association Pegasus was officially founded.
Written in 2011 by Witek Nawara
Commissioner of activities of the 1st board of D.S.T. Pegasus and co-founder of the association