
Each year, a number of competitions are organized by the student gymnastics associations in collaboration with the Dutch Student Gymnastics Association (NSTB) and Student Sports Netherlands (SSN). On the website of the NSTB (Dutch only) you can find the schedule of these competitions (and more activities). These competitions are different from the KNGU competitions. You can participate as a beginner or as an experienced gymnast, and you can take the competition as seriously as you want; socializing is central. In addition to the regular competitions, there is also one internal competition organized by Pegasus, which takes place in Delft.

The first competition of the academic year is the "Dutch Student Gymnastics Competition 1" (NSTC1).

The NSTC 1 is usually organized around November. This is an apparatus competition, meaning you can participate and have a chance to win a prize in each apparatus individually. There is also a prize for all-around performance.
The apparatus for the competition are as follows: for women, the events are uneven bars, balance beam, floor (square), and vault; for men, the events are parallel bars, horizontal bar, rings, floor (square), vault, and pommel horse.

The second competition of the academic year is the NSTC2

The NSTC is often held around February and is an all-round competition. In this format, all apparatus scores count toward your all-around score. The apparatus used are the same as in the NSTC1.

After the NSTC 2 comes the "Dutch Student Championship" (NSK) for vaulting.

Rond maart wordt het NSK springen georganiseerd. Aan deze wedstrijd kan je zowel individueel als in een groep mee doen, of beide.
De onderdelen waar je individueel op springt zijn: Plank Pegasus, Minitrampoline Pegasus, Dubbele minitrampoline, Minitrampoline, airtrack en optioneel Grote Trampoline.
De onderdelen waar je gezamenlijk (in serie) op springt zijn: Plank Pegasus, Minitrampoline Pegasus, Minitrampoline en Airtrack.

We end the student gymnastics year, with an NSK all-round competition.

The NSK all-round competition takes place around May. The rules are the same as those for the NSTC2, but the organization is different.

But the most unforgettable competitions take place in Delft; these are the internal competitions.

The internal competition is often organized around April by our own Competition Committee (WC). Each year, the internal competition has a slightly different format. The apparatus are mixed up, and the scoring is unique. For example, there has been a duo competition where you and your partner perform existing and/or non-existing elements on one or two apparatus at the same time. If one of the NSTC events is held in Delft, it is also organized by the Competition Committee.

General time schedule competiton day
09.30 – 18.00 Competition in 2 or 3 rounds
18.00 – 20.00 Dinner
20.00 – 03.00 Party
03.00 – 10.00 Overnight stay and breakfast

The competitions are organized at our location or at one of our sister associations:

Mascottes en brassen

Our mascots have always been Peggy and Penus the Pegasus, but recently they have both retired because the brass became too much! Since 2024, we have a new mascot, a pegasus with golden locks named Poonie. She proudly wears a green bow and is very enthusiastic :P. Poonie is our pride, and we must protect her well during competitions because the danger of getting "brassed" is ever-present...

"Brassen" is the act of stealing the mascot or flag of other associations during competitions and other activities. That’s why it’s essential to keep a close watch on the mascots and the flag! If someone from another association manages to catch one of them, GO AFTER THEM! Once the mascot or flag is taken by the others, it goes back to their city, and it can be reclaimed through a trade or exchange. The same applies in reverse, so in addition to gymnastics, chatting, and cheering, it's always fun to secretly plot plans to "brass" items from others. Good luck!

Preparations for the competition

Sign up for a competition using an enrollment form on the bulletin board during training, or via a registration link you receive by email. The costs of competitions vary, but they cannot exceed €25 per person. For new members, half of the costs for the first competition are sponsored by Pegasus.

Kies daarna welk niveau je gaat doen, dit kun je zelf inschatten of vragen aan een trainer. Dames kunnen kiezen uit D6 tot en met D1, en heren H5 tot en met H1, waarin D1 en H1 de moeilijkste niveaus zijn. Bij studententurnen kunt zelf kiezen of je een mee wil doen met de dames of met de heren.

Create a routine. To help with developing the routine, you can refer to the regulations. The regulations used by the NSTB differ slightly from the regular KNGU regulations. Here you can download the latest regulations.

There are also several templates available for creating a routine.

Finally, you can see how you performed in the Results.